Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Integration broker message going to done with no action

If IB messages are just going straight to done without running the handler, it can be corrected by regenerating the routings on the service operations page.

PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Service Operations

General tab

Under the Routing Actions Upon Save section hit Regenerate local-to-local  or any-to-local if applicable then hit save and it should work at that point.

Remove The PeopleCode program executed an error statement

This annoying message text can be removed by using:

error msggettext(&validMessageSet,&validMessageNum,"alt error text");

If you don't want  to define every error message in the catalog you can setup a generic
message as %1 and just pass a bind parameter.

Error MsgGetText(23000, 29, &errorString, &errorString);

Integration broker message going to done with no action

If IB messages are just going straight to done without running the handler, it can be corrected by regenerating the routings on the service ...